Saying the things polite Christians don't.

We have all heard of the ozone layer and the role it plays in the earth’s climate. Well, we have heard what happens when there is too little ozone, anyway. Ozone depletion has been in all the news. What hasn’t been mentioned is the delicate balance of ozone that is required to sustain life on earth. Too much ozone and not enough UV light gets through to sustain plant growth.

I will quote now from Bible411

Scientists actually identified over 188 parameters within our solar system and 38 parameters elsewhere in the universe. Each of these parameters is so exacting that they could not happen by chance.

The ozone layer is just one of these parameters. The researchers at go into much more detail than I can possibly do here. This is just an appetiser.

The book, Origin of Matter, from which much if this material was sourced has over 4,000 quotes in support of Creation, and disproving Evolution theory. Of these 4,000 quotes that the encyclopaedia is comprised of only 164 are by creationists.

Can you grasp that? You smug, pig-headed evolutionist! Man, if it weren’t for your smug, condescending attitude I would leave you alone. But here it is. Even your experts don’t support you!

The truth is this. You would believe in God but you don’t want to give up your ways. Let’s call it what it is: you know that turning to Christ would require sacrifices on your part. You don’t want to quit your premarital sex, your free and easy lifestyle.

Haven’t I hit the nail on the head, Atheist? Perhaps you are gay. That is wrong. You know it. It is a perversion against man and nature. Not to mention, God, who probably wants to vomit when he sees your life.
Oh, you’re a woman trapped in a man’s body . . . . Crap! You are a pervert trying to pass yourself off as a human. I mean, how can you say this is human behaviour? You even give it non homosapian names: Lesbian, Gay, Transgender . . . What biology book gives such a diversity of sexuality.

Oops . . . did I stop editing myself? Gotta watch that. I don’t want to traumatise our sensitive, secular friends. And they do get upset when we throw a little back.

Hey Atheist. It’s time to pull your pants up and elevate your thinking.

This is why you won’t even consider life under the loving hand of God. You want to continue telling lies.

Yes, you lie to yourself, you lie to others. You would get fired if you told your boss the truth, wouldn’t you? If they ever found out what you were thinking. Not the stuff for the breakfast table, eh?

Yet you love this lifestyle. Jesus said it in John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Back to the title point. We could accept one or two parameters as a coincidence. Perhaps even 10 or 15. But 188! Give me a break. Does Jesus have to parade down the Main Street before you will believe?

Well, yes. The Bible tells us just that. In the end, despite plagues, oceans turned into blood, angels descending from heaven . . . you will still not believe.

Here’s another: The proton to neutron ratio.

This must be within a tolerance of 1/1000 either way. That is one part in a thousand. Outside this tight limit chaos would result. The universe would be destroyed. Atoms would fly apart. This is just one of 188 parameters.

I’m not going to list all 188. In addition to Bible411, you should check out some pages of the Creation/Evolution Encyclopaedia. This is a good place to start. The Elemental Forces of the Universe

It is pretty hard to deny God when all the information hits you in the face. The long and outstanding problem has been the atheist scientist agenda of withholding the facts. Let me explain;
The scientific fraternity has known all this for a long time. Understandably so since they discovered most of it. But there is no way they are about to admit it.

The problem is that scientists, those working in the universities anyway, want tenure. Fair enough. Ambition is a noble thing, worthwhile. To get tenure they have to publish . . . wait for it . . . and here it comes . . . the curriculum is Evolution. No scientist who publishes creation is going to be tenured.

So they deny the evidence. And the evidence is in abundance. In addition to these 188 parameters which have to be in such tight check that coincidence is impossible, I have not even touched on Equidistant Letter Sequencing. Yet another evidence that the atheists slam the door on without investigation.

I digress:

The evidence from the study at Bible411, says 188 parameters is just too much to call a natural phenomena: about 184 too much. I’m in full agreement with that. I mean! one set means nothing, but it could raise an eyebrow. Two raises some serious curiosity, and three says – this is too much for coincidence. But four is absolutely outrageous! Four such parameters shrieks of a disciplined, creative mind at work.

188 in proof beyond all doubt.

Might this be the reason we have not found life elsewhere in the universe? Because it doesn’t exist, because just one of these criteria is not met. Because all these criteria fall within these tight parameters in only one place: here on earth the wasy God planned

And this is only one subset of proofs. There are similar tests that can be put to the Bible, archeology, the Jewish Holy Books and so on. The evidence is there if you look for it.

Few atheist scientists will look for the evidence however. Their minds are made up. They would rather talk about life on earth 20 million years ago, unrecorded and assumed, than consider what happened 2 thousand years ago in recorded history.

But I won’t scratch the line too deep in that sand. ??

See I don’t really care about the age of the earth; I figure it is unknowable. I only know that Jesus was there at its birth, because He created it. Whether there was a Big Bang when He did it, I don’t know. There was no-one around to tell. What became of the dinosaurs, Neanderthal man, I don’t know.

But this I do know: The earth is held in an extremely fine and delicate balance. Many of the 188 known parameters are of an elemental nature. The very building blocks. A minor variation doesn’t mean an extra day or two of rain, or hail, nor does it even mean an end of existence, but means that existence would not have taken place to begin with.

I took a Cynic’s path to becoming a Christian. For a long time I would not, could not believe. There was no alternate theory, I simply knew it wasn’t that one.

Well, what changed? As I got older I started to question my mortality. I had lived through an horrific car accident, I was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. My personal desert had been hard and long. I had changed, not the evidence. I will save my full testimony for another post as it is too long and too off topic to put here.

Today I try to keep an open mind and it is this open mindedness that has led me write this post.

It is a giant universe and the vast majority of it is still unknown, and with present technology, unknowable.

All the more reason to say, ‘Why not God?’

Comments on: "The Universe – An Exact and Deliberate Balance" (1)

  1. YES! I am a creationist and I completely agree that it’s time to stop being afraid of sharing the Biblical truth of creation science.


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