Saying the things polite Christians don't.

Posts tagged ‘Evolution’

Atheist – Smile

As a Christian internet user who visits the occasional public forum, watches videos on Utube and contributes to the comments section, I encounter a lot of people who don’t share my spiritual views. This is to be expected but it hasn’t always been the case. It wasn’t so long ago that I wouldn’t have heard from these folk unless I was actively evangelising.

Put it this way. The internet has not only given Christians a new platform from which to spread the word, it has also given voice to a generation of people who might previously have kept quiet.
Naturally there will be objection from some quarters if you are street preaching – the hecklers will always speak up – or one-on-one witnessing. But those who would normally keep their thoughts to themselves now have an anonymous megaphone.

At certain times this can ignite lively and thought provoking conversation. This is the public forum at its best. At other times I have found myself the object of ridicule by mean spirited people with virtually zero knowledge of the scriptures they are rubbishing.

A favourite topic of these folk is the supposed contradictions in the scriptures. A popular one is the account of Judas Iscariot:
Matthew 27:5 tells us that Judas threw the money into the Temple and went off and hanged himself.

Acts 1:18 says he bought a field with the money. There, he fell headlong and burst open, his intestines spilling out.

Theologians have written tomes about these two accounts. They have been studied for years, pulled apart and dissected. Men and women with advanced degrees, people that for whom if they had studied medicine for instance, would be specialists.

Now some tosser with no understanding of scripture whatsoever wants to establish an understanding that the Bible is fake based on his or her great find. Whoopi-doo. These are the same folk who cling to the premise that the great singularity –

er, gotta pause here . . .

Don’t you love that word, ‘Singularity, What it means is “I don’t have an explanation or sound reasoning for my theory, any reasonable application of the English language would fail like army boots with a wedding dress.” Here’s a trick, let’s make a new word.”‘

– you know, when nothing spun around really really fast until finally, with a great big bang, gave us the universe and everything in it! We shall call this momentous event, a Singularity.

Now I expect mocking and a guffaw or two over that one. That’s the wrong application of the word. I’m an idiot who doesn’t understand the subject. Well here’s one that effectively shuts all the nuclear traps:

Creation, therefore, Creator.

Now, let’s go back to the smelly old corpse of Judas Iscariot.

Any two Newspapers, from the same town, with reporters at the same event, witnessing the same thing, and then aided by sophisticated computer editing software, digital cameras and professional photographers, will give different accounts.

Two cars crash, a Ford and a Toyota. Three people are injured, one seriously.

That very night three newspapers, two TV networks and a radio station report the story. Interestingly enough, there are some variations in the story. One reporter said there would be a recall on one of the vehicles because of a possible fault in the brakes. The other media sources didn’t even mention this although it is the single item that could send a relatively small story into a front page scoop. Then it turned out that the recall vehicle wasn’t involved in the crash.

What is the story? Two cars crashed, three people were injured, one of those seriously. That is the nitty gritty of the tale.

Jesus was betrayed by Judas. He was subsequently crucified to death, now if that’s not enough, sealed in an airless tomb for three days, then he rose from the dead.

In the meantime, Judas, feeling guilty, or terrified because he had indeed had a hand in murdering the Son of God, topped himself.

That’s the story. It’s all there.

Another favourite of the savvy biblical illiterate is to quote the non biblical as if it were.

“God helps those who help themselves.”

Really? Where did you dig that up? It isn’t in the Bible. As a matter of fact the Bible is full of, and most Christians can attest to, incidences when God helps the helpless. In fact if people want to live their lives helping themselves, without God, He frequently leaves them to it.

Or my personal favourite: “The problem with you Christians is you go on and on claiming yours is the only way.”

You really can tell who has done their homework: Islam claims the same – except its practitioners will kill you if you don’t believe. All the world’s major religions claim to be the sole path to salvation. (With the exception, of course, of those who don’t believe salvation is necessary, and yet these too, believe they have the only way).

The Bahá’í believe that all the major religions come from the same place as long as it is Bahá’í.

The internet has opened this doorway. Loaded with good and bad information the internet confirms and validates every opinion. This is the post modern mind. Everyone is right.

Except Christians it seems.

In a matter of seconds a person can have at their hands the fruits of what only a short time ago required hours of exhaustive research. You get the answer but not the education.

The internet is the University of Bits n’ Pieces.

We really need to watch it, folks. They’re coming at us dumber and louder.

Arm yourself with The Word. Know the Truth. And the next time an atheist fixes you with a cheesy grin and asserts that the universe and everything in it was once squeezed into something the size of a pinhead, you can look at them and say, “That’s nice.”

The Universe – An Exact and Deliberate Balance

We have all heard of the ozone layer and the role it plays in the earth’s climate. Well, we have heard what happens when there is too little ozone, anyway. Ozone depletion has been in all the news. What hasn’t been mentioned is the delicate balance of ozone that is required to sustain life on earth. Too much ozone and not enough UV light gets through to sustain plant growth.

I will quote now from Bible411

Scientists actually identified over 188 parameters within our solar system and 38 parameters elsewhere in the universe. Each of these parameters is so exacting that they could not happen by chance.

The ozone layer is just one of these parameters. The researchers at go into much more detail than I can possibly do here. This is just an appetiser.

The book, Origin of Matter, from which much if this material was sourced has over 4,000 quotes in support of Creation, and disproving Evolution theory. Of these 4,000 quotes that the encyclopaedia is comprised of only 164 are by creationists.

Can you grasp that? You smug, pig-headed evolutionist! Man, if it weren’t for your smug, condescending attitude I would leave you alone. But here it is. Even your experts don’t support you!

The truth is this. You would believe in God but you don’t want to give up your ways. Let’s call it what it is: you know that turning to Christ would require sacrifices on your part. You don’t want to quit your premarital sex, your free and easy lifestyle.

Haven’t I hit the nail on the head, Atheist? Perhaps you are gay. That is wrong. You know it. It is a perversion against man and nature. Not to mention, God, who probably wants to vomit when he sees your life.
Oh, you’re a woman trapped in a man’s body . . . . Crap! You are a pervert trying to pass yourself off as a human. I mean, how can you say this is human behaviour? You even give it non homosapian names: Lesbian, Gay, Transgender . . . What biology book gives such a diversity of sexuality.

Oops . . . did I stop editing myself? Gotta watch that. I don’t want to traumatise our sensitive, secular friends. And they do get upset when we throw a little back.

Hey Atheist. It’s time to pull your pants up and elevate your thinking.

This is why you won’t even consider life under the loving hand of God. You want to continue telling lies.

Yes, you lie to yourself, you lie to others. You would get fired if you told your boss the truth, wouldn’t you? If they ever found out what you were thinking. Not the stuff for the breakfast table, eh?

Yet you love this lifestyle. Jesus said it in John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Back to the title point. We could accept one or two parameters as a coincidence. Perhaps even 10 or 15. But 188! Give me a break. Does Jesus have to parade down the Main Street before you will believe?

Well, yes. The Bible tells us just that. In the end, despite plagues, oceans turned into blood, angels descending from heaven . . . you will still not believe.

Here’s another: The proton to neutron ratio.

This must be within a tolerance of 1/1000 either way. That is one part in a thousand. Outside this tight limit chaos would result. The universe would be destroyed. Atoms would fly apart. This is just one of 188 parameters.

I’m not going to list all 188. In addition to Bible411, you should check out some pages of the Creation/Evolution Encyclopaedia. This is a good place to start. The Elemental Forces of the Universe

It is pretty hard to deny God when all the information hits you in the face. The long and outstanding problem has been the atheist scientist agenda of withholding the facts. Let me explain;
The scientific fraternity has known all this for a long time. Understandably so since they discovered most of it. But there is no way they are about to admit it.

The problem is that scientists, those working in the universities anyway, want tenure. Fair enough. Ambition is a noble thing, worthwhile. To get tenure they have to publish . . . wait for it . . . and here it comes . . . the curriculum is Evolution. No scientist who publishes creation is going to be tenured.

So they deny the evidence. And the evidence is in abundance. In addition to these 188 parameters which have to be in such tight check that coincidence is impossible, I have not even touched on Equidistant Letter Sequencing. Yet another evidence that the atheists slam the door on without investigation.

I digress:

The evidence from the study at Bible411, says 188 parameters is just too much to call a natural phenomena: about 184 too much. I’m in full agreement with that. I mean! one set means nothing, but it could raise an eyebrow. Two raises some serious curiosity, and three says – this is too much for coincidence. But four is absolutely outrageous! Four such parameters shrieks of a disciplined, creative mind at work.

188 in proof beyond all doubt.

Might this be the reason we have not found life elsewhere in the universe? Because it doesn’t exist, because just one of these criteria is not met. Because all these criteria fall within these tight parameters in only one place: here on earth the wasy God planned

And this is only one subset of proofs. There are similar tests that can be put to the Bible, archeology, the Jewish Holy Books and so on. The evidence is there if you look for it.

Few atheist scientists will look for the evidence however. Their minds are made up. They would rather talk about life on earth 20 million years ago, unrecorded and assumed, than consider what happened 2 thousand years ago in recorded history.

But I won’t scratch the line too deep in that sand. ??

See I don’t really care about the age of the earth; I figure it is unknowable. I only know that Jesus was there at its birth, because He created it. Whether there was a Big Bang when He did it, I don’t know. There was no-one around to tell. What became of the dinosaurs, Neanderthal man, I don’t know.

But this I do know: The earth is held in an extremely fine and delicate balance. Many of the 188 known parameters are of an elemental nature. The very building blocks. A minor variation doesn’t mean an extra day or two of rain, or hail, nor does it even mean an end of existence, but means that existence would not have taken place to begin with.

I took a Cynic’s path to becoming a Christian. For a long time I would not, could not believe. There was no alternate theory, I simply knew it wasn’t that one.

Well, what changed? As I got older I started to question my mortality. I had lived through an horrific car accident, I was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. My personal desert had been hard and long. I had changed, not the evidence. I will save my full testimony for another post as it is too long and too off topic to put here.

Today I try to keep an open mind and it is this open mindedness that has led me write this post.

It is a giant universe and the vast majority of it is still unknown, and with present technology, unknowable.

All the more reason to say, ‘Why not God?’

The Atheist Hypocrite

Here are a few questions you can throw at the atheist that might just take them a little off their game. I won’t be so arrogant to claim that these are all evidences of God but they are certainly food for thought.

1.  Why do we have a seven day week?

A Google search here will turn up the expected suspects, The Romans, The Greeks. With a little luck you may stumble upon the earliest recorded instance of the seven day week. Genesis.

2.  What about the moon dust?

When NASA were planning the first moon landing they were concerned that the lunar module would sink into metres of dust. This is because it is known just how much dust accumulates and therefore, it can be estimated just how thick the layer of dust on the moon’s surface should be – assuming the moon is billions of years old as is the secular standing.

Of course, the moon dust was not metres thick! Instead it was only a fine layer. This discovery supports the creationist and a young earth. So naturally, the secularists changed the science:

You will now be referred to an article published in New Scientist In 1976, by D.W. Hughes. Hughes claims a volume of space dust 1000 times smaller than that previously thought, a figure small enough to deposit a layer of a few centimetres over 4.5 billion years.

(Please note the date of this study, 1976. Since 1976 science has made leaps so great as to be almost immeasurable. The digital age has dawned. We have seen technological advances become so frequent that the astounding is now commonplace. Young people barely raise an eyebrow when confronted with the next ‘miracle’).

I mention this because the same site that I sourced this information from, The Secular Web, accuses creationists of being out of date, and of doing no outside research.

Yes, this, and they quote an inside source from ’76.

Oh, and these fools still bow and scrape at the altar of Darwin! 150 years on, disproved and discredited. Perhaps there has been too much time in the field.

Way Off the Track:

Nothing burns me up more than someone criticising me for doing something that they themselves, are guilty off.

Hypocrisy! I absolutely detest it! Our Lord Jesus also held hypocrites in a dim light.

Matthew 15: 7-9

7 “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

8 “‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
9  They worship me in vain;
Their teachings are merely human rules.’”

It’s okay for an atheist to accuse me of not knowing what I’m talking about but apparently they feel it isn’t necessary for them to do the research.

Recently I challenged an evolutionist on how new information managed to find its way into the DNA of a more highly developed specimen on the evolutionary tree. It seems like a reasonable question to me; if a creature grows an extra set of legs, an opposable thumb, lungs . . . where did this genetic information come from? To the best of my knowledge we have not yet discovered a gene that allows its owner to grow new genetic material. So, I asked the question.

I was told – in language that leads me to believe this atheist studied their craft in a waterfront bar – that I ought to buy a book and learn just what evolution is. ‘kay?

The 21st century definition of evolution has the hidden tagline . . . only valid when unquestioned. Trying to validate the claims is a crime unto itself. This pseudoscience is to be accepted without question.

As is that of the Big Bang Theory. How dare I mention evolution and the Big Bang Theory on the same page. In the same sentence no less. This is sacrilege. And what do the three, atheism, BBT, and evolution possibly have in common? Yes, I have been asked that very question. More often though I am simply asked, What does BBT have to do with it (evolution). Somehow the atheist evolutionist has managed to draw a divide between that and the Big Bang.

It would seem to the most unimaginative mind that the two are inexorably connected. In its wake, the Big Bang left one of the three following possibilities:

1/ That the earth was a barren chunk of rock upon which, due to a fortuitous mixture of chemicals, temperatures, and substances/circumstances unknown, simple life commenced, and, through further substances/circumstances unknown, developed over the years into the high tech beings we know and love today. Furthermore, said development took place leaving no trace or link between the former and latter selves. Subsequently referred to as Missing Links. Their non-appearance being a disappointment to Mr Darwin himself, who said inasmuch that this would disprove his touted theory.

2/ A chunk of rock that was visited by travellers from another solar system. These folk deposited some of their number on this planet and sort of hung around for a few billion years just waiting to see what happens.

3/ A formless chunk of rock upon which God created every living thing as we know them today and the conditions favourable for them to thrive and reproduce.

The first two do not answer the question:

Where did the first atom come from? It’s all well and good to accept the Bang but what went bang? Here the atheists get cute. They usually begin their answer with something like:

“Like most uneducated creationists . . .” They go on to say it wasn’t actually a bang, an explosion, but an expansion of a singularity.

A singularity? Can we be more vague. Time and energy, we are told (oh, yes. There was plenty of energy before the singularity), expanded spectacularly creating everything as we know it. This super dense singularity probably existed in another universe and when it expanded – for no apparent reason – it made everything.

Simple. Why can’t we idiotic creationists get it through our thick skulls?

But where did this super dense singularity come from? Where did all this energy which preceded the expansion come from? These are fair questions but they are invariably met with a kind of smug hostility.

The truth is they cannot answer these questions.

If they were capable of being entirely honest with themselves they would admit that they cannot answer these questions to their own satisfaction either.

But I digress. I did propose some questions to give your pet atheist a grilling. That couple can go on the list. Have a look at these too.

3.  Why are you so antagonistic towards Christianity?

There are a 1000 religions that the atheists could single out but Christianity seems to come under the brunt of their attack. It follows to ask – Why? Not believing in something hardly seems to be a position worthwhile investing any energy to advance.

The truth is that Christianity is The Truth. I believe that whether they recognise it or not that this Truth is visible through the clouds of smoke and mirrors put up by the atheists. The only valid reason for attacking Christianity is that they see the Truth and it is a threat.

Islam is not attacked because it is a lie. Likewise with Hinduism, the Moonies and so on. Christianity is the only religion that threatens their perilous worldview.

4. Why make the assumption that Christians or Creationists are uneducated?

This is one that really gets my goat. The smug attitude of these people. Really, I’m certain they believe that they’re the only breed who have cracked a textbook. But worse is their unquestioning adherence to the belief that the college professor has it right. They taught it at university so it must be right. Then the atheist will turn to the creationist and say, “Uneducated fool!”

Yet as a group, atheists don’t practise what they preach: frequently I find that they haven’t read the Bible, or those that have did so at a Catholic school and had a study and worship regimen forced upon them. This is often the sole source of their scriptural enlightenment (and frequently their resentment).

So often the atheist who is telling me to study evolution, learn what it is all about, are totally ignorant.

I was recently told, “Why should I read a book that says the earth is flat?”

For the record. The Bible does not say the earth is flat. Nowhere in its pages does the Bible even remotely suggest such a thing. To the contrary, the Bible tells us in Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth . . .

There are many such quotations. Furthermore Jesus tells us in Luke 17: 34-36

34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Note that while 2 sleep, presumably at night as the 24 hour shift way a long way off, 2 were at work in the field. Jesus was telling us many years before the astronomers learned of it, that the earth is a sphere. How could part of a flat earth be day, and part, night.

And the Old Testament tell us that the stars are infinite. This, when science was telling us that they numbered 5,000.

In Conclusion.

I really wanted to present a one-sided argument. That is the way in which Christianity has been, and is being, attacked. But in all fairness I couldn’t. Science has brought us so many wonderful things. One day we will have a cure for cancer. I don’t doubt this for a second. I’m just as certain that when we get this cure it will come from the scientific establishment. There will be a Mars landing, and a cure for HIV.

Science has given us air travel, antibiotics, vaccines. The list is almost endless. But let’s not forget that these are the people who not so long ago gave us Thalidomide, the wonderful morning sickness cure, and the atom bomb.

We must be careful to avoid the trap of thinking science is the solution for all of humanities ailments. The high, and ever increasing rate of crime, will only be solved with the application of time honoured spiritual principles. A glance at the causes should lead us to the solution. Even the most jaded atheist would not deny that there has been a major breakdown of morals over the last 50 years. They will argue that this is in response to the religious boot being lifted from humanity’s neck. But it doesn’t matter; the end result is that people are not getting their morals from the church anymore. Free will has spoken. Science, in this case the Social Sciences, has come to the rescue.

It is ironic that the very science used to refute Christianity, also supports it. This isn’t shouted very loudly, and I am certainly not knowledgable enough on the subject to add much to the argument. I have heard some wonderful scientific arguments for Christianity from some of the worlds great preachers. I’m sure most who read this have also and I’d invite you to leave any scientific arguments for Christianity and Creation in the comments.

This is an area of my own education that I would like expanded.

I leave this with a wonderful quote. Unfortunately I don’t know who it’s attributed to, nor do I remember where I heard it. It’s one of my favorites.

Once upon a time a scientist was asked if he believed in God.
“Of course not,” he responded. “I am a scientist.”
After some years and many long hours of study had passed, he was asked the same question.
“Of course I do,” he replied. “I am a scientist.”

Random Ramblings on Atheism

When I comment on a Utube clip and express my Christian faith I invariably come under attack from the atheist brigade. Just why these people seem intent on slathering abuse upon me mystifies me. I’m not an influential celebrity, and I’m not dragging hordes from the streets, depriving them of their liberty, to listen to my rhetoric. I’m just an ordinary man who believes in One Extraordinary.

Yet the abuse is that of the type you’d expect would fall upon pedophiles.

Why? Why the sentiments that fuel the attacks, and why the passion of their delivery?

I have a small understanding of the objections if I were witnessing on a secular site, but what about when the topic is Christian? And this raises a third question: why are atheists viewing and reading Christian material?

I have no objection to atheists visiting Christian sites. To the contrary; the more the better. Perhaps some will be saved by doing so.

Assuming then that the atheist is not viewing the video, reading the post, simply to cause trouble – and trust me, there are a lot that do – then why the interest? I don’t feel the need to visit atheist Web sites or Utube channels.

The only conclusion I can arrive at is that some people just like to know what’s over the fence.

Like the old tale of the elderly lady who calls the police because from her kitchen window she can see her neighbour sun-baking nude.

“I can’t see anyone nude,” the policeman told her as he peered through the window. “In fact I can barely see into his garden.”
“Silly policeman,” the old woman replied, “You have to stand on a chair and use these binoculars!”

Such is the atheist who watches a Christian video, reads a Christian blog or sermon, and can’t restrain himself.

Here’s a tip: watch something else if you are so offended! Isn’t that what you tell Christians when we protest about the sex and foul language on TV?

“Hey, Buddy. Censorship starts at home,” they say.

Well, swallow some of your own medicine. I’d love to see atheists watching Christian media. But not if the motive is a vendetta. In that case, “Beat it. Scram!”

Then we come to the atheist web site. Now, the term, Atheist Web Site, makes one think of a site whose primary message is the spread of glorious atheism, the wonderful feeling that when the wind is in your face and the wolf has torn down the front door, is snapping his chops, that you needn’t bother with prayer . . . that you’re on your own. . . .

Thank goodness I don’t have to pray at a time like this. Phew!

Atheism marketing itself. That’s what comes to mind when confronted with an atheist link, a UTube clip, podcast.

But no. Don’t be fooled. Their tenet is not Pro Atheism, but Anti Christianity.

I have yet to find an atheist site that holds the Hindus up to account. The Buddhists don’t get a mention. Nor do The Sikhs, Lamahists, Krishnas. For that matter I was pushed to find even a single reference to The-Religion-of-Peace. Nothing: despite the fact that they flew planes into the World Trade Center, killed 202 in the Kuta nightclub bombings in Bali, 2002, and on and on and on.

These people kill their daughters for honour. They mutilate the girl’s genitals by barbaric female circumcision, and for their entire lives Islamic women are treated as 2nd class. They will be denied equality on every front. A Muslim man treats his camel with greater dignity.
Not a mention of these good folk in the vast majority of atheist postings.

One of the more prominent sites, The Thinking Atheist, a contradiction in terms if there ever was one, is exclusively devoted to anti-Christianity. The owner of the site explains this by saying that Christianity is his or her background. Fair enough. But to only publish that which is within the writer’s personal experience can lead to a biased account of the truth.

Research is a dirty word to those seeking to discredit Christianity.

To say that there is no God is the height of ignorance. The atheist will say the same thing of Christians at this suggestion. The claim that to declare the existence of God is not only ignorant, but gullible.

There is a difference between the Christian claim for and the atheist claim against: the Christian can back up their assertion with changed lives, despair giving way to hope, with 1000s who had stood at the precipice and had come back – and the atheist can not.

(There is not room in 100 blog posts for a full exploration of the evidence for Christianity but it’s readily available for those prepared to look.)

That’s lives affected. Now the truly cynical might argue that this is subjective; lives healed, destructive habits cured – a man with an horrific drug addiction that had cost him his work, home and family, set free, and gone with the addiction the associated behaviours: lying, thieving etc (I’m writing of myself now) – this could be a unique perception. Despite the 1000s of similar stories to the contrary.

But Christianity is also supported by a profusion of objective evidence. There are at present over 5700 pages, or part pages, and over 2000 containing all or portions of the Gospels.

In 1946 in a system of caves not far from the Dead Sea were discovered what’s now widely known as The Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the 850 or so scrolls are now identified 19 copies of the Book of Isaiah, 25 copies of Deuteronomy and 30 copies of the Psalms.

Perhaps the most important aspect of this find was the proof of the accuracy of contemporary texts. The atheist can no longer argue that the Bible has been radically altered. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved the modern books to be 99% accurate. Segments have been found from over 500 manuscripts.

If scholars reject the accuracy of Biblical documents they must also reject that of Plato;7 copies, Homer; 643 copies for example. Documents supporting the New Testament number over 24,000.

This is by no means exhaustive. In fact I’ve only scratched the surface of Biblical evidence for the Holy Scriptures.

Then there’s the non Biblical evidence supporting Jesus and New Testament accounts. This list is quite understandably, not as voluminous, but it’s within an easy internet search.

Some people, however, will refuse to be convinced. They just will not believe. Then there are those who refuse to allow us the freedom to believe.

If you, like myself, live a pretty ordinary life in the west, you greatest opposition, discounting disgruntled family and friends, isn’t going to come from Islam, the Mormons or JWs, but from atheists. This is by far the most militant group the average citizen is likely to encounter.

I heard a great quote on the other day. It really made me smile.

Why would someone invest so much energy in fighting something they don’t even believe in?

That just about sums up all I’ve been trying to say for the last 1000 words or so. You don’t see the adults at Christmastime lining the malls chanting, “Santa is fake! Your gifts come from your parents!”

People just don’t usually put much effort into something they don’t believe in. Some may argue that Christianity damaged them and they want the world to know it. Fair enough. But once again, these folk just haven’t done their research.

Genuine Christianity, in belief and in practise, will never hurt anyone.

Jesus is the God of love. Love never harms. For the atheist who won’t consider that statement, who shuts off at the mere mention of His name, consider this.

The practise of the real spiritual principles found in genuine Christianity is never detrimental to a person’s physical, mental, or emotional health. It is simply not possible.

Just this morning I joined a Google discussion on the Evolution/Creation debate. I decided not to aggressively defend Christianity, which is my normal position, but to ask some fairly gentle, innocent questions of the evolutionists. Such as: Could you give me an example of evolution? How can we reliably know what happened 20 billion years ago? Assuming such a time existed.

Needless to say I was met with hostility and mockery. I don’t understand evolution I was told. I am a blind fool who has been led by the nose.

Okay. I’m an idiot. Enlighten me. If there is a clear example of evolution that cannot be contested, show me. I will keep an open mind.

No comers so far. Ironically the very folk who accuse the Christians of closed mindedness shut themselves off to the possibility of something other than their charter.

I’ll leave this post on that note. I am open to the possibility that I don’t have all the answers. I will listen to an evolutionist who wants to prove his case. I will hear them out if they don’t shout me down.

I wonder if they will do the same . . . . 🙂

Brian Cox – Know all

I really didn’t want to take on the atheists. Not because I’m afraid of them, or even threatened by them, I’m just tired of the battle. On Utube I seem to get embroiled in these 35 word squabbles that go nowhere and solve nothing. In fact whenever I engage an atheist I find the discussion goes nowhere.

I am a Christian. Therefore I am a Creationist. But I am undecided on the young earth theory. I’m not rejecting it mind, so don’t get upset if you are a young earther. I could simply swing either way given a convincing enough argument. On the question of creation on the other hand, I am closed to debate. God created the universe and everything in it by the Power of His Word.

The atheist discussions go nowhere because invariably, at some point, I will be abused or treated with derision or hostility. I once asked an atheist why he and his kind were so hostile towards Christians and he said, “It’s not hostility, it’s contempt.” He went on to explain that he finds our beliefs so ridiculous that to hold them fervently, is contemptible.

In other words the atheist’s hold us as we hold them. The difference is that they respond with contempt, while we get frustrated.

Personally, I believe that frustrated with their inability to answer the big question, the atheists respond with bluster.

I guess where I get lost is in the idealism of a non-belief. I’m not talking about those who hold the belief – that nothing exploded and made everything – but the militant atheist who just doesn’t believe in God and is passionate about it.
It’s kind of like writing an essay about not playing the piano.

At the end of the day, I’ve lost the zest for the battle. The idea of butting heads with a dogged atheist just makes me tired.

But when I saw Brian Cox, the rock star physicist, last night on Sixty Minutes, I sat up in my chair, gripped the armrests, held my breath, and realised I could still fire a salvo or two.

I didn’t comment or guffaw while Cox blathered on about what went on on the earth 60 billion years ago, as if he were there. (That’s 60 billion years: a six with ten zeros). My wife was watching me expectantly however. He talked about how scientists deserved the acclaim lauded on footballers (hard to argue against that). Then, about ten minutes into the interview, he dropped the bombshell.

The interviewer asked him how he coped with the opposition from the creationists, the young earthers. Cox’s flippant reply, “Rubbish! It’s really utter nonsense.” He said dismissively. He laughed.

The way he said it was the cruncher. I’ve been told creation is nonsense by the Big Bangers a thousand times. Well, not a thousand, but often enough that this, or a variant of it, is expected. Cox said it as if it was a proven certainty. With an undertone of contempt at the very suggestion, he dismissed the idea. And Sixty Minutes, fawning at his feet, let it go unchallenged.

Brian Cox is a clever man. He is a particle physicist, a professor, and a member of a lot of wacky-doo fellowships. He has spent many, many years cracking the spines of textbooks. Probably wrote a few. Very smart indeed. It fascinates me that such a brilliant mind can believe in a creation sans Creator. He has been led by the nose by his masters before him who, not surprisingly, were evolutionists.

In the other corner is your’s truly, Harry K, a Christian, a writer, a jazz musician, a man of normal intelligence, self educated (I left school at 14, grade 9), and in no doubt of the power of God and that I am His finest creation.

Okay, the lines are drawn, but here I must disappoint. You’ve heard the arguments all before. Thousands of Christian men and women have written and spoken on the myriad of topics supporting creation. The science also supports creation. Do a Google search of the science supporting creation. You will be amazed at the volume of work.

Creationist Kent Hovind has offered, since 2002, a reward of $250,000 for scientific proof of evolution. So far it has gone unclaimed. Surely some clever Big-Banger could put their hand up for this money? No?

I know they say I mustn’t confuse the Big Bang with evolution, but isn’t the process supposed to be: Big Bang – Primordial ooze – life starts in that ooze? It seems that the two are inexorably connected.

God could have created the world with a Big Bang and then placed man, fully developed, on it. Would Cox and his cohorts give this due consideration? Cox’s derisive snorting leads me to suspect otherwise.

Cox worked for a while at the Large Hadron Collider, that $9 billion essential on the French/Swiss border designed among other things, to prove the Big Bang.

A great proportion of scientific disciplines are public funded and accordingly we should be entitled to a say on how that money is spent. Some studies are a must, the fight against AIDS, a better antibiotic for example, while others are selective, the benefits, if any, more obscure. The latter would include space exploration, weapons research, and the Large Hadron Collider. For that matter we could include the entire study of Particle Physics.
How does it help us? Can it feed us? At the very least such projects should be shelved while we sort out world hunger.

I confess; I am an idealist. Such things are not going to happen while man is in control. Meanwhile, if the LHC must exist they could at least conduct their experiments without bias. Trying to replicate the Big Bang is a preconception. They commenced the study with the assumption that the Big Bang did happen and the universe started with that.

We can conclude, quite reasonably, that Cox is a leader in the unnecessary field of Particle Physics. There is nothing wrong with working in a non essential industry. Most of us do. All we really need to support our bodies is food, shelter, and clothing. The difference is that the non essential jobs that most of us do add something to our lives; the work of Brian Cox and the LHC does not. It is an expensive drain on society.

All that money to recreate the Big Bang. Not to prove it, that it happened is a given, but to recreate it. Needless to say they couldn’t do it. They got some pictures that could have been created with a child’s kaleidoscope as accelerated particles crashed into one another.
No planets, no atmosphere, no oceans, lakes, not even a microscopic germ sized life form. Nothing was created. Things were moved about, made to perform in a certain way, but zero creation.

Still they mock the Creationist. The Bible has something to say about that.
Jude 1:18 They said to you, ” In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”
John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,
there is none who does good.

Or a word from Herbert Spencer, philosopher, ardent evolutionist:

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.

I might suggest that Brian Cox has not read these words, written by a man who history will remember, was his better.

Men like Brian Cox make the world a little more difficult to live in just by opening their mouths. He is over educated ( I have heard the intellectual described as: Someone who has been educated beyond their capacity ), but lacking in wisdom, wordy, but lacking in tact, discretion. He has enough brains to talk but not enough to shut up.

What really worries me is the hordes of folk who hear Brian Cox and assume because of his education, his celebrity, that he must be right. In a few words he rubbished the faith of millions and plenty are ready to believe him.

It should be remembered that Brian Cox’s opinions on spiritual matters are like the opinions of empty headed movie stars who try to convince us to vote a certain way.

I have to pray for Brian Cox. And for myself, for my own very evident anger and resentment. I’ll pray that God will open his eyes and show him the Truth.

He did if for Saul on the road to Damascus. Why not Brian Cox?