Saying the things polite Christians don't.

Posts tagged ‘satanic’

And What About the Religion of Peace

Here is something they don’t tell you; in response to the rise in Islamic terrorist activity around the globe, 911, Spain, Bali, London and so on, the rank and file Muslims have pretty much convinced the world that these are the activities of extremists. The true Muslim is peaceful, loving.

Okay, that’s the bit they do say. And there is some truth in the first part. That the terrorism had been the work of extremists. But the rest?

Lies. Lies. Lies.

The difference between the Islamic extremist and the Moderate is that the former is prepared to act on his hatred, whilst the latter is not. This is a definition much closer to the truth.

A new oxymoron for the 21st century: Moderate Muslim.

If you could convince a Muslim to be completely honest (difficult because their religion allows them to lie if it is for the greater good of Islam), they would tell you that they hate Westerners. They despise our culture, our morals and of course, our religion. Given the opportunity to act without consequences, they would kill us all.

Here’s a few quotes from the Koran.

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. – Sura 2:98

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. – 2:191

Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. – 48:25

Muhammad is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. Through them, Allah seeks to enrage the unbelievers. – 48:29

Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate. – 66:9

This is not a complete list by any means. The Koran is seething with hatred and violence.

Islamic apologists have been very active in promoting Islam as a peaceful, tolerant religion. They even tell us that the name, ‘Islam’ means peace. Any scholar would tell you it means surrender or submission. Both words have very different meanings to the word, Peace.
The Koran calls Believers to submit to Allah and to subdue non believers until they also, believe and submit.

Muslims will tell you that they believe in Jesus. True. But what about Him do they believe?

Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet. They do not believe He is the Son of God.

Understand. No matter how convincing the apologist, regardless of what your President believes, this is an evil religion with violence and hatred at its core.

Just what does Mr Obama think of Islam? He is quoted as saying, “Islam has a proud tradition if tolerance.” Yeah, that’s a goody. How about, “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism, it is an important part of promoting peace.”

Lee Rigby, the British soldier who was hacked to death on a London street was one of the more publicised incidents of this peaceful religion. As they butchered him his attackers ranted, “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you”.

In the wake of this cowardly attack British prime minister David Cameron was quoted as saying that there was nothing in the Koran that justified this murder.

Nothing? Something else the attackers ranted whilst they waited for the police (and the cameras) was, “The Koran commands us to kill those who kill Muslims.”
Lee Rigby had served in Afghanistan. He was fighting in a war. Lee Rigby was a hero who put his life on the line for the freedom of others. His slayers were not even soldiers.

In my opinion they should receive the same penalty as any foreign agent operating behind our lines. Yes, their British citizenship is clearly just a cover.
These men should be summarily executed.

Instead, David Cameron waffles on about how exceptional this behaviour is, coming as it does from the Religion of Peace.

Get the picture.

Okay, what is the answer?

Prayer. Then more prayer. Things are changing: many Muslims are giving their lives to Jesus. Jesus is appearing in the dreams of these people, calling them to salvation. And many are heeding the call.

That’s the good news.

The bad news us that there will be a lot of pain ahead.

Whilst our leaders are supporting the Islamic agenda the road can only be tough. I believe that Mr Obama should be charged with treason for his open support of Islam. During WWII if an American leader had openly supported Hitler or Hirohito that would have been the result. Today, in the wake of horrific terrorism, Obama can get away with words of support for these people. It is upside-down.

Which brings us back to prayer. This is the arena in which we will win: the spiritual arena. When Christians pray we pray to a real God, the Creator of the universe and everything in it.
Muslims do not. Their’s are empty words falling on deaf ears. At the Head of their church there is nothing. Perhaps this may explain why, despite the wealth of some Islamic nations they still live in sixth century doldrums.

Spiritualism; A Pleasant Ride to Hell

I wrote this piece a few years ago, published it on the Internet with the title, Spiritualism, the Highway to Hell, and promptly forgot about it. Since then it has been smashed and bashed under the hammering of 40 hits. Just how many of these were ACDC fans I don’t know.

I decided to republish for a number of reasons, not the least being that no one was reading it, and I do feel that this is one of my posts that needs to be read. Secondly, things have changed. I’m a better writer now and I’ve had time to distance myself from the work. Therefore, I figured it could also do with a rewrite.

This is an honest, perhaps slightly satirical look at the spiritualist church and it’s challenge to Christianity.

Before I start slashing and tearing at the Spiritualist Church I would like to point out that I speak from personal experience. A few years ago, during a period of loneliness and vulnerability, I attended one of these churches (can’t remember the name but they are all pretty similar; Church of the White Light, The Shining Star etc. All names meant to convey something uplifting, healing and mystical). I went back more than once, simply because I have always lived by the philosophy of a fair go.

At the time I was living a long way from Christianity.

My initial impression was that here was a decent, friendly and accepting bunch of people. They were definitely not mainstream society. I shared a coffee and a chat before the service commenced.

These folk were the proverbial square pegs. I am not being judgmental that’s just the truth. I have spent my life as something of an almost square peg, hexagonal perhaps, and have overcome many of the obstacles I faced, so I know one when I see one. Just imagine any fringe society group and then imagine a sub-group who wouldn’t even fit in there. They were accepted here.

They were friendly and they welcomed me and that is what I needed most at the time.

A bunch of New Age magazines were on a table and in a quiet moment I leafed through these.

Wow! Accepting was an understatement. Everything was okay by these guys. It didn’t matter if you were Hindu, Buddhist, into Mind Control, Meditation, chakras, you name it. Anything but Christianity.

Why the bias against Christianity? I soon learned.

The service started pleasantly. Everyone sat on chairs in a circle, someone put on a cassette and we sang a few songs. Innocent enough. The songs were all selected to validate this atmosphere of brotherly love.

The service consisted of a meditation session (which I found enjoyable), a visit from a clairvoyant (which I am too cynical to be bothered with), and a talk by one of the elders.

Here it was. You have never sinned so why feel guilty? Everything is okay. You are loved. Love. You can be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live however you want to live. You can justify this knowing that if it makes you happy it must be God’s will; because God loves you and wants you to be happy.

Okay, I thought I had heard reason for their grudge against Christianity; everything they taught was opposing the basic Christian tenets. For instance…

To be told you have never sinned is very appealing. Especially if one has spent their life feeling guilty over their behaviour. With this snippet a world of religious guilt can fall off one’s shoulders. Shame it isn’t true. The Bible tells us all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

But if you can’t buy that, and the concept of sin is too much for you, consider this; guilt is a human emotion that tells us when we have done the wrong thing. We don’t always pay for our mistakes and guilt is there to clip us around the heart when there is no-one to clip us around the ear. Appropriate guilt is one of the fundamental tools of spiritual growth. When guilt gets excessive or misplaced it should be dealt with by professionals and not some spiritual airhead.

Lifestyle. Live how you want to live. This isn’t true either. Many lifestyles are condemned by the Bible and it is easy to see why some people would rather embrace a church which condones anything, than make difficult and painful changes. Any religion, however, which does not require a person to change, to turn away from inappropriate lifestyles (those lifestyles which cause you guilt), isn’t a religion at all but a social club.

It is possible to live free of guilt. This is accomplished by asking Jesus for forgiveness and turning away from practices that make a person feel guilty. The process is called repentance.

Here was a church that lets you worship whatever you want, Buddha, Mother Earth, Krishnamurti, you name it. How can this be?

I can’t accept that we were thrown together on an assembly line with a multitude of creators. The argument that there can be more than one Supreme Being does not stand up to logic. How can there be more than one tallest mountain, fastest animal, hottest day? This all embracing attitude looks very attractive but it falls apart under even casual scrutiny.

Someone told me that they had had a wonderful morning observing a spiritual sunrise. Huh? Get with it! There is nothing spiritual about a sunrise. Spirituality is a measure of the Godliness in a person, or a measure of that thirst, that desire for Godliness. Sorry, a sunrise, a walk on the beach, dolphins dancing in the rain, these don’t fit. But apparently it is okay to believe this.

What then, if anything goes, is the problem with Christianity? My question was not answered until I read the book Dark Secrets of the New Age by Texe Marrs.

When I first encountered this book it was awfully difficult to get my head around Texe’s concept of a new world order with Satan at its head. But the more I thought about it, the more I looked around, the more I realized that it is the only explanation that fits.

All these spiritualist movements, new age nuthouses, crystal gazing idiots, aroma sniffers, are united in their common goal; to stamp out Christianity. This is the Great Evil; living under the crushing weight of sin. And Christianity is the culprit.

Yet the really big con is that few of the participants even know it. Most sincerely think that their bumper sticker Practice Random Acts of Kindness, or I Believe in Angels, is somehow a force for good in an otherwise crappy world. This is the saddest part.

Walk into any bookstore and see how many New Age titles are on display. Now compare this with the number of Christian titles on display.

Open any Women’s magazine (I haven’t worked out why this rarely occurs in men’s magazines) and see how many ads there are for psychics and clairvoyants. Many even have columns dedicated to these twits. Now see if you can find an article by a priest or pastor in the same magazine.

All this stuff is designed to get people to look anywhere rather than to God for the answers to their problems.

That’s it in a nutshell. The Spiritualist movement, or the New-Age movement is a satanic distraction. It has no worth whatsoever but actually has a negative value in that it keeps seekers away from Christ.

These were seekers that I met during that lonely period. Other people who, like me, were drifting along life’s highway, trying to find something better.

My search eventually led me back to the cross. I became a Christian at 16 but got sidetracked. Churches should have some responsibility towards newly converted Christians. (Another post coming up I think :-)). It took nearly 30 years before I returned to Christ, battered, beaten and thoroughly broken. In this condition I was ripe for an easy path.

The whole purpose of the spiritualist church is to keep you away from Jesus Christ. It accomplishes this by offering a wide road with a broad gate. Ironically there are no spiritual disciplines required, nothing to believe, nothing to practise, no one to worship.

They don’t worship Satan. They don’t worship Christ; and that’s okay with Satan.

But Jesus told us to enter by the narrow gate, Matt 7:13. He told us that the road to destruction is wide and easy. Most people take it.

I had a narrow escape. God had His hand on me and He led me home.

The message I have regarding the Spiritualist church is this. Don’t go there. Don’t even put foot in the door.